Wednesday, June 17, 2009

AG Holder calls for stricter hate crime laws after recent violence

US Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday requested stricter federal hate crime laws, stateing that the US Department of Justice is committed to working with Congress to pass this decree. He cited recent crimes that took the lives of an abortion doctor, a soldier in Arkansas, and a guard at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as examples of the "potential threat posed by violent extremists". He goes on to state the priorty of the continuance of the Civil Rights Division in the DOJ and to preserve the ideals of equal protection that are apart of our Declartion of Independence and the Fourteenth Amendment. Holder maintained that progress has been made in the division since the new President entered office. He went on to make a statement to reinforce the seriousness of these hate crimes. 
My thoughts are that I am glad there is continued progress in this area. Being an African America I am so glad that I wasn't born sooner than I was. To have to experience the really hateful crimes that blacks experienced. I don't believed I would have survived slavery. Everyone should think that they are better than the next person, but it is not their place to judge and jury of another persons life. 

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