Monday, June 8, 2009

Website copyrighting

This is an interesting article related to encouraging folks to copyright their websites. I would never have thought about the fact that folks can so easily borrow from a web site. In fact, I probably have cut and pasted information from website rather frequently, using it for a variety of things, mostly in its original form.

It seems strange to protect this information, while at the same time legal initiatives to dictate what can and can not be done on the internet are still pending.


Daisy said...

I think this is interesting as well, because it is so easy to print so much off the internet. Although, some websites are hard to print and won't allow you to bookmark.

sbooker said...

The onset of the digital age poses many problems that have not yet been tested in a court of law. I look forward to learning about how cases which involve websites and such will be handled in the future.

nina said...

Yep, we definitely use the Internet as the new "source" of information so it will be interesting to see how some of the issues with use will be handles in court. Thanks for the posts.