Sunday, June 21, 2009

House impeaches federal judge from Texas

In Washington on 6/19/09, the House impeached a federal judge imprisoned for sexual assault charges by two women. This was the first such vote by the House since impeaching former President Bill Clinton a decade ago. The U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent of Texas is the first federal judge impeached in 20 years. There were four articles of impeachment against Kent accusing him of sexually assulting two female employees and lyning to investigators. All of the articles passed unanimously. Kent 59, entered a federal prison in Massachusetts and will serve a 33-month sentence. He pleaded guilty to both charges. He is refusing to resign until next year to continue to draw his $174,000 a year salary. If convicted of the impeachment chargers, he will be forced off the bench.
This seems some what extreme. The article goes on to say how he has suffered from depression since his wife's death and is suffering with alcohol. I think he should be punished, but being put in a federal prison could be harmful who is to say he didn't put some of those prisoners in jail. If he did he is as good as dead. His salary should have been stopped once he pleaded guilty. He is definitely a disgrace to the American court system.

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