Saturday, July 25, 2009

Copyright Infringement Case, $1.92 Million Penalty!

This article talks about what seems to be an appeal trial for Jammie Thomas-Rasset who was found liable for willfully infringing 24 copyrights controlled by four major record labels. In this case the jury decided on a $80,000 per song damage award resulting in a $1.92 million total damages award to be paid to the record labels. This was an almost $1.7 million award increase from her first trial where that jury decided on a $9,250 per song damage reward. This is crazy to me! Especially for only infringing on 24 songs where there are probably millions of other people out there who have illegally downloaded thousands upon thousands of songs. Seems to me that the record labels are trying to make an example out of Thomas-Rasset, which is very unfortunate and puts them in an negative, bullying light to me.

Read more about his case here.

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