Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Judge admonished for raunchy internet files

An Article in the Los Angeles Times talks about chief judge of the U.S 9th Circuit Court of Appeals being reprimanded by federal judges for being " judicially imprudent" and "exhibiting poor judgement by palacing sexually explicit photos and videos on an internet server yhat could be accessed by the public.

The proceedings steemed from a LA Times article published in June 2008 when Judge Kozinski was presiding over a high profile obsenity trial in Los Angeles. The article says that Kozinski maintained a website that accessible to the public, which featured explicit photos and videos. The site was intended to be private.

In the end the panel found that Kozinski was not guilty of "Judicial misconduct", but warrented public admonishement.

It goes to show that even judges make mistakes too
To view full article see:http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-kozinski3-2009jul03,0,2032797.story

1 comment:

Lisa M said...

Judge-Supplied Porn. Ouch. Sounds like he needs some computer classes. I hope he's wearing clothes under that robe. :/