Monday, September 29, 2008

Aerosmith's Steven Tyler Sues Bloggers

Tyler Sues Bloggers
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler recently sued unknown bloggers for impersonated he and his girlfriend Erin Brady online and sharing intimate details from their lives.

The lawsuit alleges that the bloggers have caused harm to Tyler and Brady by revealing private facts about the couple's lives, using his image without permission, writing about the death of his mother and spreading falsehoods.

So, Tyler has filed suit – presumably for “false light” invasion of privacy – even thought the defendants are unknown. The various articles said he believes this is the same group of bloggers that made similar postings in 2007.

The blogs in question were taken down by Google and are under review to assess any breach of Blogger's terms of service.

If the bloggers remain unknown, what will happen to the suit?


Anonymous said...

Don't you have to know who you are suing to have a lawsuit?

Chrissy said...

I am sure there is a way that they can find out where the blogs came from and locate the posters. It does seem odd that they would file a suit and not know who they were suing.