Monday, December 1, 2008

Protecting the Public? Deceptive, false and misleading advertisement
Morris Bart a personal injury attorney is suing the state of Louisiana for putting limits on what businesses can say in ads. The states claim is that the ads are being deceptive, false and misleading. The state has stated that attorneys advertising using the phrases: “losing is not an option” and/or “the winning law firm” are deceptive phrases. The interesting part of the ad is that the Louisiana Bar Association claims that their main goal is to protect the public; however I would extend to say how these statements are hurting the public. I would think these ads could only be deceptive if the phrases were indeed untrue. I don’t know any law firm who would contend that losing is an option. Although I would suggest that you read the article. I found it very interesting. Another attorney, Bart’s competitor, is concerned about the ruling on specific phrases because it could affect whether or not they can use certain spokespersons or people.

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