Tuesday, November 3, 2009

60 Minutes: The Movie Pirates

This past Sunday 60 Minutes had an investigation piece about the pirating of movies over the internet and through bootleg DVD's. The investigation explores the how people produce and distribute movies illegally. Furthermore, how the internet has made it very easy for people to distribute and access movies through programs such as Bittorent. File sharing programs allow users to upoad and download media of any kind. Bittorent files are very popular with movie file sharing because it allows big movie files to be uploded and dowloaded very quickley. Such easy accesiblity has created a new industry of conterfiet movies.

I'm sure many people in the class have some experience with file sharing and/or Bootleg DVD's. I have never copied a DVD to sell or make a profit but I admit that I commit copyright infringemnt on a regular basis. We have netflix and I burn the DVD's when we get them because we rarely have time to watch it plus why should I pay $25 for the DVD when I can get for almost at n/c. I'm sure that imost people think the same way as well., especially the younger kids. In the 60 Minutes piece, there was a coment that wen t something like, "It's so easy that it it can't be illegal" Right or Wrong, I personally don't think I'm doing any harm to Hollywood....I still pay my share at the theatre.

To watch the story click here: WATCH STORY
To read the story click here: READ STORY


Traci Cahill said...

In a previous media class we had a discussion about how times are changing with the teen/early 20's generation - in the sense that they don't remember life without the internet. This generation is so used to downloading things for free that they don't want to pay for many entertainment services (music/videos/movies,etc). Our professor brought up that surprisingly the pornography industry is getting hit hard, because this new "of age" generation isn't willing to pay for their porn - they are so used to getting things for free. I just thought that was interesting.

rob said...

RIGHT! I remember when I first found out about Napster. I thought how cool and easy it was to be able get any song I wanted. I had no clue, nor did i care, about how it was possible. It was there and it was free! To be honest in the last 10 years I probably purchased a handful of CD albums and maybe slightly more DVD movies. I either download through a file sharing site or burn a copy from friends and family. More recently, I have been getting my movies from Netflix and making copies for my collection. And I have downloaded my share of some free porn as well :) Though I definitely don't fill any entitlement to getting music and movies for free..nor do I think it's should be legal but I am glad that I have easy access to it, if I want.