Wednesday, October 1, 2008

He Said, He Said

This is a story about the Oakland Raiders who fired their coach Lane Kiffin on Tuesday 'with cause', meaning they won't pay him. In this link ESPN's legal analyst Roger Cossack is asked if there will be a lawsuit since the team is refusing to honor the coach's contract.

Cossack mentions that this is a "lawyer's paradise" because you have two sides each claiming the other is lying, and the team is claiming a breach of a contract action. The owner, Al Davis, says the ex-coach did, the coach says he didn't and is still owed the money. Cossack says this will go to court, but cooler heads will prevail and most likely there will be a settlement.

It got even more interesting with the owners press conference in which Davis goes into detail what the coach didn't do, lied, etc. Davis lambasted his ex-coach which I thought was interesting because it was an amazing sight to see such an airing of dirty laundry.

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