Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Intellectual Property Czar...perhaps


Apparently the house and senate has passed legislation that would create a new position in the White House to coordinate enforcement of intellectual property rights across federal agencies and departments. It was passed on Sept 29th but I could not find any information as to whether it's made it to the President or not. According to the article, it was unclear whether the President would sign it or not.

Intellectual Property Czar?
Secretary of Intellectual Property?
Nope, it's not that cool sounding...it will be called the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (okay, sort of cool).

Here's an article about it from the American Federation of Musicians (who of course support it):

I originally spotted this news on cnnmoney.com...
I liked their article because it also gave a response from the opposing side, stating "the public-interest advocacy group Public Knowledge said the legislation 'only adds more imbalance to a copyright law that favors large media companies.'"

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