Friday, December 19, 2008

Lil Wayne Being Sued for Copyright Infringement

He may be at the top of his game but that doesn't mean that he's out of reach.  This guy better watch out or he'll end up falling down really fast.  He was sued in July for copyright infringement and now his legal team is trying to get an extension on another infringement case that started back in May.  And from the sounds of things he pretty much admitted to taking the song.  His label couldn't reach an agreement with the plaintiff Karma Ann Swanepoel to use her song Once, but it was still used in Lil Wayne's song Feel Like Dying.  I guess he thought she wouldn't notice.  

Read for yourself:

1 comment:

Tiffany Nelson said...

He should have gotten a work for hire contract from her, he deserves to be sued if he was stupid enough to think that his infringment would go unnoticed by the original artist.