Saturday, December 19, 2009

Twitter vs. La Russa

This year, Cardinal's manager sued Twitter on multiple accounts including, invasion of privacy, trademark infringement and trademark dilution. Although the suit was settled outside of court, the situation is not the only of it's kind. Because there are no laws or regulations set on social media and freedom of speech on the Internet, it is difficult point fingers on who is accountable. Social media sites have their own Terms and Conditions, but are left up to the site's owners to interpret and a case by case situation.

Although Tony La Russa was criticized by both Twitter and the public for being over dramatic about the situation, his case brings to attention the flaw in regulation or lack there of, on online forums. Would you be upset if you knew someone was impersonating you? Especially if they made jabs at sensitive issues? I think the Tony La Russa brings up an interesting question of how far one can take parody until it crosses the line. It will be interesting to see if the government makes laws to regulate these issues, or if they leave it in the hands of the social media sites and their Terms of Condition.

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