Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chinese Female Writer Sues Google

I read an article about a writer in Beijing who sued Google for publishing an entire copy of her novel, "Acid Lover." Google did not ask for her permission or pay her. Mian Mian, the author, is extremely upset with Google for "only showing respect regarding copyright protection to famous American publishing houses." She is asking for $8,785 US dollars for economic and mental compensation. The China Written Works Copyright Society (CWWCS) claim Google has scanned 18,000 books by 570 Chinese writers without permission. If Mian Mian wins this lawsuit, it could open up many lawsuits for the other writers.

I feel that Google completely disobeyed the Copyright laws by displaying Mian Mian's work publicly. The novel was her original work and Google should have asked for her permission. Since her book was published by the Shanghai Joint Publishing Company, Mian Mian's rights to her books (through the publishing company), belong solely to her.

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