Saturday, February 13, 2010

Monsanto rolls out branded onions. (The St. Louis Post Dispatch)

Also going along with out discussion in class about; copyrights, trademarks, and brands, Monsanto has now officailly branded a vegetable with a trademarked name, in the United Staes, that can be sold year-round. Monday, February 8, Monsanto introduced the EVerMild Onion into the branded market, making their appearance in Schnucks stores. The company has already had some branded vegetables in Europe such as, Bella Verde and Dolce Verde.

There are some aspects of the Mickey Mouse and copyright discussion we had in class that correspond to Monsanto branding a vegetable. Through discussion we talked about how Mickey Mouse, after the copyright has expired, could potentially become a different version and eventually become a new branded/trademarked image by doing so. I think this correlates into the fact that a company can even brand/trademark an onion. So what does this mean for other companies who try their hands at producing and selling an onion that can be sold year-round? If copyright or trademark infringement occurs how far will this case go? An onion in federal court?

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