Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Credit Card Law

Most of this article doesn't necessarily have to do with media, but nonetheless it is very interesting and very informative. The part I find particularly interesting is the new regulation on how Banks and Credit Card companies market to students, specifically college students.

THEN: Students arriving on college campuses often confronted a gantlet of credit card marketers handing out T-shirts, pizza and other gifts in exchange for filling out card applications. Credit cards were frequently handed out without checking the applicant's income sources. In 2008, 84 percent of undergraduates had at least one credit card. Average balances topped $3,100.

NOW: Credit cards may no longer be issued to anyone under age 21, unless the applicant has a co-signer, or can show independent means to repay the debt. Colleges must disclose any marketing deals they make with credit card companies. Banks are not allowed to hand out gifts on or near campuses or at college-related events.

I experienced this marketing trend first-hand multiple times while I attended Truman. I never signed up for a card, or participated in the deals, but I knew of many people who did. It always seemed very simple upfront, but later students would learn just what they had signed up for, or fallen into. I think this is a much regulation especially for college students who, most likely, are already accumulating debt from student loans.

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