Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google's Street Views an Invasion of Privacy

We all use various mapping programs to find out how to get to a specific place, and if there is a photo of that particular place, sometimes it makes our lives that much easier. However, a Pittsburgh couple is suing Google over posting a photo of their home on their "street view". The couple claims that as they live on a "private street" the photo violates their right to privacy.

Seeing as it is a photo of the exterior of their home (and surrounding area) I am not exactly sure how they are goingto prove this in court, seeing as their are archive photos of their home within government records and such. Also, if you pull up the photos, it appears that all of the photos were taken from the street (which is not on their property). It will be interesting to see how this panns out.


Anonymous said...

If the pictures are taken from a public place there is no privacy, right?

Travis said...

I would think that would be the case. After all, Google gets those photos driving a vehicle down the road.

Spencer McIlvaine said...

Yes, but is it really a public place? The complaint says that the photos were taken from their driveway. They're saying that the Google photographer drove up a long, private drive located on private property and took photos of their house and swimming pool. And the photos seem to support that claim.