Thursday, October 9, 2008

"That One 08" Already Trademarked

During Tuesday night's debate, John McCain referred to Barack Obama as "that one," and kicked up a storm, with radio callers, political bloggers, and the spin room all commenting. Although some suggested that McCain used the term frequently and had simply been clumsy this time, many others objected and labeled the phrase disrespectful. Some apparent Obama supporters saw a merchandising opportunity, creating a web site, and a related Facebook page to sell T-shirts with the Obama logo and the new slogan: "That One 08." The Obama logo was been trademarked for a long time, and a trademark application submitted for "That One 08"--reminding us all of the value of moving quickly to secure smart, money-making trademark concepts. Some of the T-shirts are already sold out, and some of the shirts actually look good. Check it out for yourself.


Spencer McIlvaine said...

Since it will take a minimum six months to get a trademark registered, the value of this trademark for next year('09) after the election is over with is something these folks probably ought to have considered before paying their filing fees.

Christy Beckmann said...

I agree, and wondered abut the time lag. However, several people in the "T-shirt industry" have said that often trademarks are filed to scare off potential competitors.