Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Comedian sued...again

It seems that actor and funnyman Sacha Baron Cohen is being sued for libel. Apparantly a scene in his new movie Bruno caused quite a problem in the life of a Palistenian grocer and peace activist, Ayman Abu Aita, who says that since the movie labeled him as a "Terrorist group leader, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade," it's ruined his life. He's received death threats and says that he only met with Baron Cohen because he was told he was a German producing a film about Palestinians, not a comedic actor at all. When Cohen went on Letterman last year in the guise of Bruno, he stated that he had found a "real terrorist" through a contact at the CIA. Abu Aita is suing NBC Universal, Letterman and Baron Cohen for a total of $120 million dollars. I'd say if he can prove the threats and that he's lost business, Abu Aita's got a pretty good case for libel. To read more click on the link; http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/movies/baron-cohen-sued-for-bruno-spoof/article1392231/


Traci Cahill said...

I think he definitely can prove actual malice, as Baron Cohen was intentionally misleading him. Not sure if he would need to prove actual malice or just negligence. He was thrust unwillingly in the spotlight, and could be considered a temporary public figure. Not sure. I agree with you though, if he can prove very real threats and a loss of income, he could win this.

Paul Stamler said...

If the guy is a peace activist, making public efforts for peace in Palestine, there's a good chance he will be ruled a public figure. At that point he'll have to prove actual malice, willful disregard for the truth/falsity of the claim. My guess is he'll have a good case despite the high hurdle; I bet the defendants settle.
