Friday, December 18, 2009

Harvard Likes to Rock

With the music industry cracking down on illegal file sharing, the "digital music police" are looking to college campuses first. A Harvard law professor, interested in using the Internet to promote social change, has become an advocate for a Harvard student who recently was fined several hundred thousand dollars for illegal file downloading.

Copyright reform has been a hot topic at the school recently, with seminars on the subject filled to capacity. Read here to find out some of their proposed solutions.

1 comment:

rob said...

I think it's funny that the only people who are in the media for getting caught illegally downloading music are kids who download a few songs to put on their iPod and not the "real pirates" who make money doing it. I used to illegally download a lot a few years ago but I have stopped because I always had pc spyware and virus issues. There are so many streaming sites that if I want to listen a particular song then I just stream it. Furthermore, with cell phones becoming more of a media device with internet capability, the need for an iPod or mp3 player will start to decline.