Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Office Space Star Sues Wikipedia...Sort of

Rob Livingston, star of the cult classic Office Space, is suing an anonymous Wikipedia writer for writing on Livingston's Wikipedia entry that he is gay and in a relationship with Lee Dennison. In reality, Livingston is married to a woman.

He cannot sue Wikipedia directly, as it is an internet service provider and protected by law. Livingston also says that the author create a fake facebook profile for he and "Lee Dennison", listing them as "In a Relationship".

First, Livingston must get Wikipedia and facebook to release the identity of the user.

An interesting libel case for Web 2.0...

1 comment:

Traci Cahill said...

Hey, this one is interesting! He could definitely have a case. If the person who wrote this, also created a "fake" website about him being gay, then he would have the proof of actual malice - intentionally publishing a lie about something that could harm or embarrass, or cause damages to the person. I'm sure Livingston's lawyers could come up with some good "damages".